Investigating the complexity of auxin signaling pathways in algae

A Deeper Insight into Auxin Signaling Mechanisms in Algae

A Deeper Insight into Auxin Signaling Mechanisms in Algae

Image: This study provides insights into the ancient auxin mechanism in algae and the evolution of auxin signaling in photosynthetic organisms.
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Credit: Tokyo Tech

Phytohormones are messengers that control plant growth and response to the environment. In land plants, auxin is an important and well-studied phytohormone that affects various aspects of plant development. However, the main cellular receptor that controls the auxin signaling system in terrestrial plants—transport inhibitor reaction 1/auxin signaling F-box (TIR1/AFB)—is not found in algae. Previous studies have shown that a TIR1/AFB-independent auxin signaling pathway may be involved in the regulation of gene expression and algal growth. However, not much is known about the mechanisms involved in the auxin signaling pathway and their purpose in algae.

In order to overcome this knowledge gap, a group of scientists from the School of Life Science and Technology at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) in Japan conducted research on algae called Klebsormidium bright. He chose this type for two main reasons. Previous research has shown that it produces indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a type of auxin found in land plants. Also, external application of auxin stops cell proliferation in K. light, indicating that this species may have ancient auxin signaling pathways. The research was led by Associate Professor Koichi Hori and published in the journal Scientific Reports on 15 June 2023.

To this end, the team conducted several experiments on K. light, including gene profiling, RNA analysis, and DNA testing. In addition, they also introduced genes for various transcription factors that may be related to IAA signaling from K. light to Nicotiana benthamianaa well-educated organism in plant science with standard analytical tools in the scientific literature.

This experiment revealed that the RY motif was enriched in the promoter sequences of auxin-inducible genes in K. light They also identified several cis-regulatory factors and transcription factors that were affected by the presence of IAA. Most importantly, they identified KnRAV – a transcription factor – as a key contributor to the auxin signaling system. K. light. “The results showed that KnRAV regulates several auxin-induced genes and directly binds to their promoters KnLBD1, an auxin-inducible gene. Therefore, KnRAV may have the ability to regulate auxin-responsive genes K. light ” explains Dr. Hori,” explains Dr.

Overall, the researchers explain the complexities of auxin signaling in algae through many experiments in K. light. Explaining the long-term importance of these studies, Dr. Hori said, “These results provide new information on the regulation of IAA-inducible genes in K. light Furthermore, the present findings not only increase the understanding of auxin signaling in these algae, but also provide insight into the evolution of auxin signaling mechanisms in many other photosynthetic organisms. “

We just want more studies to help clarify the role of auxin in photosynthetic organisms!

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